Bowling News

From Kirwee to Gisborne, with love ❤️

From Kirwee to Gisborne, with love ❤️

How about this brilliant example of one of our bowling clubs reaching out to support another that they have no other relationship with, except that they are both part of the Bowls New Zealand Community?

It all starts with the members of the Kirwee Bowling Club (around 65 members) working together on one of their fundraising activities. Where is Kirwee, you may ask? It is a small town, 30 plus kms west of Christchurch, on the main road between Christchurch and the West Coast.

See that red dotted border near the Waimakariri River? That’s Kirwee

Population? It depends on who you ask. The 2018 census suggests 1275 fine folk live there, while other sources suggest there may be 7500 in the wider area. Every two years, Kirwee is home to the South Island Agricultural Field Days event. And this is where the wonderful folk of the Kirwee Bowling Club have a fundraising event! No, they don’t provide a country catering spectacular that their bowling tournaments are renowned for. Instead, they get deep, down and dirty. They have a small contract cleaning and restocking toilets! (They advise that there is money to be made in the basic necessities).

This years Field Day event was held in March and in an outstanding show of country generosity they donated $1,000 from their labours to one of the flood-stricken Clubs of the Gisborne region. Why? Because, they could!

Marian Galloway (Secretary) and Rosie Croft (President) of Kirwee Bowling Club

A huge shout out to all the members of the Kirwee Bowling Club for this very kind response and thanks to President Rosie Croft and Secretary Marian Galloway who modestly shared this story. Modesty needs to be thrown out the window on this occasion however and the Kirwee Bowling Club deserves celebrating. Huge thanks Kirwee, from our New Zealand Bowling family.

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