Bowling News

Cust Bowling Club’s “can-do” attitude

Cust Bowling Club’s “can-do” attitude

If you drive around 17kms due west from Rangiora, in North Canterbury, you will find yourself in the cute little village of Cust. Population is around 420 and the local bowling club has a current membership of 24. They only have a small green there which is five rinks wide. What they lack in numbers, they make up for with bucket loads of positive attitude and effort that you find in country clubs!

Have a look at these two photos. The first one was taken five years ago. What on earth are they doing you may ask? They had taken the top off their green, but the machine had not been adequately cleaned between jobs so grass got scattered everywhere. They could have attacked it with a nasty weedkiller but instead decided to get on their hands and knees and dig out every piece they could find! Any long pieces of grass were hand painted with Roundup using a child’s paint brush! You do have to love the “Can Do” attitude of these Cust members.

The second photo shows three of their stalwart members doing a current winter inspection so they are ready for the upcoming season. The green looks great. Congratulations to Rodger Gillespie, Ken Thompson and John Williamson along with all the Cust members for their efforts in ensuring bowls continues in the area. This author is very much looking forward to joining you all in one of your tournaments this season. If you are driving through the area, drop by and say hi. They will make you very welcome.

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